Tuesday, March 6, 2012

THUS II Standard Edition: near completion

I've just officially pulled an all nighter (again) polishing up THUS II...and I couldn't be happier! The sounds are coming through clearer than ever, vocals nice and clean, guitars much higher fidelity, beautiful bass re-recordings...I'm realizing how awesome these songs actually are for the first time now that I'm going back and pushing my production limits beyond anything I've done before. When I finish production this week, it will at long last be the end of this record. After all the crap I went through for the last 3 1/2 years, I never gave up, never settled and saw this thing through. What YOU will get is the epic standard version of THUS II which plays like a normal album with gaps between the songs...I think this is my preferred version of the record. It's got a different track order than the one released in April 2011, with a new and improved flow. Buy what am I saying?? I still have more than half tge job ahead of me! Wish me luck this week as I kick this thing once and for all. When it's done, you'll know...

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