Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hey people - So sorry to anybody who was planning to see THUS at Jerky's on the 22nd of May. Unfortunately, THUS does not have all of the members it needs to play out, though recording goes VERY well...can't wait til the new album is done. We'll let you know as soon as we are back in full swing...won't be to long! We haven't forgotten about you, so don't forget about us!! X's n O's!M

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The February 411

Hey people.Thus sallies forth in the search for the bassist. It's brutal, but necessary. In the meant ime, I've been working on my second script to date which is in its infant stage, I've worked with a friend on some tunes this month, working on a giant surprise for my friend who's getting married out in Cali, and I'm planning a trip to Coachella this April to go see the master: Paul Mccartney. This is his first time playing a festival. Last year I took a trip to go see STP's first show back together at Rock on the Range and it was a beautiful couple hours. This year's trip to Coachella will cross off a life goal to see a Beatle. I can't wait! Anyhow, I'm working on THUS II in spurts so I'm not sure when it will be done. I'm trying to write all new material without digging into any of my personal catalog from the last 13 years. I want to save all that stuff for when THUS gets big...The first album will soon have an official release date when fans will be able to attend a BANGIN party, at which we will play the self titled first album in it's entirety, track for track. I've got an event coordinator working on it already. The actual packaged cd will be arriving soon. Just a few logistics to work out.....Keep an eye out for our summer dates around New England and come to see us! We've got the good music, now all we need is the support!!! I want to tour with the best, so help make us look like the best. Talk to you all soon.......Mike

Final weekend to receive $4 discount on THUS tees!

Just type in PATTYSHIRT09 during checkout and you'll receive your discount The offer's is valid from February 24, 2009 through March 3, 2009 at 11:59pm PST. Your order has to be placed during that time to receive the special promotional pricing offer. This offer can't be combined with any other Zazzle promotional or discount offers. Sorry dude. If you want to see more of our THUS stuff, click on one of the products in the sidebar below.

THUS-tube 2.0

Hey, THUS Tube has DOUBLED its video inventory recently with a new fanmade video for 'Homeless.' Don't skip over the first video there though - it's a song you won't find anywhere else (except on the album...have you bought a copy off me yet?) It's called 'Pyrodise'. Check it out and let us know what you think:
Thus Tube

THUS II In - Studio

People -THUS II is coming along great - very exciting to at last continue the journey. I'm playing around with several new concepts, drawing inspiration from all things around me. I don't want to give anything away, but I can assure you when we return to the stage, we will be rocking harder, faster and tighter than ever before. Lots of new tricks line the inside of our sleeves so stay tuned -M