Sunday, June 5, 2011


CALL TO ARMS FOR THUS FANS WITH WRITING CHOPS: Write your full review of 'THUS II' for use on the launch of the official website! Give your thoughts on the albums gapless format, comment on the arch of the material, talk about the lyrics or the music, or any angle of 'THUS II' you feel compelled toassert your opinion on. Please be well acquainted with the whole album! ~ Participants will receive EXCLUSIVE UNRELEASED THUS MATERIAL...send your review to: get this thing viral and involve a friend if you think their writing skills should be recognized. (Of course, be sure they include your name if you refer them so you can receive YOUR exclusive THUS material too!) Go get writing! The cutoff is July 4th! ENTRIES RECIEVED AFTER JULY 4th WILL NOT BE USED FOR THE WEBSITE LAUNCH. GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN~